You're in.
You should be receiving an email shortly with your member number and the address to send your packages to.
If you have not, give it a minute or two, then check your spam or promotions folder.
If you still haven't gotten it, by all means, reach out to us here and we'll get it sorted out.
Other than that, the login page is right here, and you're good to go.
Sit back, relax, and see what it's like to have a reshipping company provide personalized service.
How does it work? Simple.
Multiple Carrier Options
Our mission at ISC Reshipping is clear: provide an exemplary personalized package forwarding service at transparent, competitive prices.
After years on both sides of the package forwarding and parcel reshipping equation, we knew there was a better way.
Transparent. Competitive. Personal.
If that's something you could benefit from or enjoy, there's only one thing left to do.